Council of Catholic Women



Welcome to St. Mary's Council of Catholic Women

CCW is the women's group of our parish. It is a parish, diocesan and national group, recognized to be a great dynamo in the life of the local Church. Our commissions include Family, Church, International, and Community.

All women of the parish, 18 years and older, are automatically considered members of St. Mary's CCW, and are welcomed and encouraged to attend our monthly meetings, programs, and events.  Programs and meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month, from September through May, at 6:30 PM in the Parish Center. 

Each month's meeting includes a program, business meeting, and fellowship. An active member is one who pays dues and participates in events. Yearly dues are $5. Please pay at any CCW meeting or drop an envelope into the mass collection basket. Dues are taken as an indication of an active interest and support, and as a qualification to vote in any election of officers. Regional meetings and diocesan activities are also held each year. Please check the calendar for upcoming events.

CCW regularly participates in service projects, which include helping those in our parish, community, and globally. These projects include the Christmas Giving Tree, donating to the St. Mary's High School Scholarships and donating to Catholic Relief Services. Our main fundraiser is the Fall Bunco Party. 

We also like to have fun! Each year, we host a Christmas party for our members, participate in pilgrimage trips, and participate in special masses for our group. 

CCW 2024-2025

President: Robin White

Vice President: Nancy Skwarzynski

Recording Secretary: Susan Gregory

Corresponding Secretary: Barbara Novak

Treasurer: Kathy O'Hagan

E-mail Secretary & Prayer Requests: Peg Francisco


Church:Jeanne Rapp &  Pat Favero

Community:Jane Spray and Karen Gehris

Family:Cathy Glover and Linda Trzesniewski

International:Kathy Williamson and Gabriela Martinez

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